Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Illustration Friday - Adrift

For this week's Illustration Friday theme, "adrift", I thought about what would experience the state of being adrift (without purpose, aimless, off course) and this poor little robot character came to mind. One of my favourite albums, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, tells the story of a robot that begins to feel human emotion, specifically love- not quite a robot, not quite human. Seemed pretty adrift to me.

In a shameless shout out to the nice guys who run Monsters In Real Places, I decided to place him in a a real setting. Plus isn't it pretty bittersweet to see a robot wandering around trying to smell the tulips?


  1. Cute! Too bad we can't see his deelie-bopper.

    I think this little tyke speaks to how being adrift isn't so bad. It gives you a chances to smell the tulips, gives you a chance to grow a heart and to explore the real world around you!

